Create Your own Peace through mediation

Life is a journey filled with challenges, but the power of forgiveness can pave the way for healing and growth. Let us remember that holding onto hurtful things only weighs us down, preventing us from moving forward. Instead, let compassion fill our hearts as we strive to understand one another, recognizing that we are all imperfect beings navigating through a complex world. As we gather the courage to forgive those who may have wronged us, we unlock the door to a brighter, more peaceful existence. Together, let us focus on solutions that foster unity rather than division, embracing the time we have left in this lifetime with hope and positivity. The future is a blank canvas, and it is up to us to paint it with love, understanding, and a commitment to leaving negativity behind. Let us rise together, forging a path towards peace and fulfillment through mediation.


Remember that forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning the actions that hurt you; it means choosing to release their power over you.

THE POWER of choice

You have all the power to control the outcome of all of your circumstances; don't give that power away. -laconda goreE

The Rules Of Mediation

During a mediation session, clients are expected to adhere to several essential rules to ensure a constructive and respectful process. First and foremost, all participants must maintain open communication, actively listening to each other without interruptions. It is vital to express thoughts and feelings honestly, but with respect and courtesy. Clients should come prepared with relevant documents and information to facilitate discussions. Confidentiality must be upheld; anything shared during mediation should not be disclosed outside the session. Additionally, clients are encouraged to focus on interests rather than positions, working collaboratively towards mutually beneficial solutions. They should also be willing to explore creative options and remain flexible in negotiations. Ultimately, the goal of mediation is to foster an environment where all parties can achieve meaningful resolutions while respecting each other’s perspectives.

The Mediation Process

In a mediation process where clients are placed in separate rooms, the mediator serves as a neutral facilitator, moving between the two parties to guide the conversation. Initially, the mediator will meet with each client individually to understand their perspectives, concerns, and desired outcomes. This allows for a safe space where clients can express their feelings without direct confrontation. The mediator then identifies common ground and potential areas for compromise. Throughout the process, the mediator communicates information and proposals between the rooms, helping to clarify misunderstandings and encourage open dialogue. Clients can expect the mediator to maintain confidentiality, remain impartial, and foster a respectful environment, all with the goal of helping them reach a mutually acceptable solution. By the end of the session, the mediator aims to facilitate a resolution that satisfies both parties, allowing them to move forward positively.

impasse? now what?

When mediation results in an impasse, it indicates that the parties involved have been unable to reach a consensus despite their efforts to negotiate. This deadlock can arise from entrenched positions, lack of trust, or insufficient communication. In such cases, the mediator may suggest alternative strategies, such as revisiting certain aspects of the discussion. If no agreement can be reached, the parties may need to explore other conflict resolution avenues, including arbitration or litigation. The mediation process, however, helps preserve the relationships between parties by facilitating open dialogue and understanding, even if it ultimately does not result in a resolution. An impasse is not a failure but rather a point that may lead to further reflection and negotiation efforts in the future.

After reaching an agreement

After reaching an agreement through mediation, clients should take several legal steps to ensure that the terms are formally documented and enforceable. First, they should draft a written agreement that clearly outlines the terms discussed and agreed upon during the mediation session. This document should be reviewed by both parties, and ideally, each party should seek independent legal advice to ensure that their rights and interests are protected. Once both parties are satisfied with the terms, they should sign the agreement. In some cases, it may be prudent to have the agreement notarized or filed with a court, particularly if it pertains to issues such as child custody, support, or property division, to ensure its enforceability. Following these steps helps establish a clear record of the agreement and provides a framework for compliance moving forward.